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Join SGT at our Meet and Greet on Saturday, September 29th!

Join us at the Cliff Dwellers Club on Saturday, September 29th and get re-introduced to one of Chicago’s most dynamic ensembles and our upcoming season!
More info and tickets

Her Naked Skin presented by Shattered Globe Theatre

The cast and crew got together on Tuesday, March 20th to begin rehearsals for SGT’s upcoming production of HER NAKED SKIN, opening on May 4th.


Set Designer Andrew Hildner shows his inspiration for the design and gives the ensemble a look at his model for HER NAKED SKIN.

After introductions, Lindsay Ricketts (Stage Manager) got the team right to work with designers showing off their preliminary production designs, the dramaturg, Erin Scheffler, gave an overview of the history of the women’s suffrage movement in the UK and then the ensemble jumped into some preliminary work with director, Roger Smart.

HER NAKED SKIN director, Roger Smart, does some preliminary work with the cast.